
The Graduate School of Sustainability and Transitions is deeply embedded in distinguished academic laboratories spanning a broad spectrum of disciplines, encompassing the humanities and social sciences, as well as the physical, life, and earth sciences.

The alignment of training programs with these laboratories fosters the promotion of interdisciplinary theoretical and pedagogical exchanges. This affiliation provides a fertile ground for the establishment of cross-disciplinary thesis co-supervision arrangements and the cultivation of collaborative research projects in accordance with the objectives of these esteemed laboratories.



Université Paris Cité

Centre des Politiques de la Terre

As a symbol of the intimate collaboration between Université Paris Cité (its faculties and the IPGP) and Sciences Po, the  endeavors to cultivate a research community grounded in the indispensable convergence of natural and experimental sciences, as well as the humanities and social sciences. The objective is to address the intricate challenges of the Anthropocene through an integrated approach.

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Centre de recherche médecine, science, santé et société
Cermes3 – CNRS UMR 8211

Cermes3 –  – is a multidisciplinary laboratory devoted to the social analysis of advancements in science, medicine, and health, exploring their intricate interactions with society.

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Social Dynamics and Recomposition of Spaces Laboratory

The Social Dynamics and Recomposition of Spaces Laboratory (LADYSS) is a multidisciplinary joint research unit (UMR) spanning four university sites: Paris 1, Paris 7, Paris 8, and Paris 10. Affiliated with two CNRS institutes, the Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (INSHS) and the Institut Écologie et Environnement (INEE), LADYSS emerged in 1997 from the amalgamation of two specialised laboratories: sociology (GRMSE, led by H. Mendras and M. Jollivet) and geography (Strates, headed by M. Rochefort and N. Mathieu). The present members of the laboratory encompass diverse disciplines within the Humanities and Social Sciences (SHS).

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Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Énergies de Demain

The Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Énergies de Demain (LIED) was founded in January 2013 as a joint research unit. Situated on the Université Paris Cité campus, the laboratory is associated with four Training and Research Units (UFR): GHES UFR, Life Sciences UFR, Physics UFR, and Social Sciences UFR. Its primary research focus revolves around energy transitions.

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University of technology of Compiègne

Connaissance, Organisation et Systèmes TECHniques

The COSTECH research unit is a multidisciplinary team of researchers committed to investigating the intricate relationship between Man, Technology, and Society.

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Sorbonne University

Institute for Environmental Transition

The Institute for Environmental Transition of the Sorbonne University Alliance (ITE) is not a laboratory or a group of laboratories, but an interdisciplinary community gathered around a common theme, the environmental transition, open to all members of the Sorbonne University Alliance.

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Institute of ecology and environmental sciences of Paris
iEES Paris – UMR CNRS 7618, IRD 242, INRAE 1392

The Institute of ecology and environmental sciences of Paris analyses and models the organisation, functioning, and evolution of ecological and environmental systems. It offers training in the latest advancements in ecology, evolutionary science, environmental science, and ecological engineering across approximately ten higher education establishments in the Paris region.

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Discovering the Ikigai Method

Discovering the Ikigai Method

On March 29th and April 19th 2022, the SMARTS-UP team gathered thirty graduate students for the “Ikigai” educational workshop. Led by Pascal Kolbe and Andrea Giraldo Sevilla, the workshop was based on the Japanese concept “Ikigai” of finding one’s purpose. It was…